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Everything you need to know about Rosalind Ramage Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Youth Services, John Lancaster, Community Land, Youth Worker
Rosalind Ramage has not published any more information
The 2009 committee: Chris Mitchell, Ewan Campbell, Richard Brewster, John Lancaster, Julie Farr, Rosalind Ramage and Elspeth Killin
... Rosalind Ramage. 50 Templars Crescent. Kinghorn, KY3 9XS . Tel. 01592 890 042. Email. [email protected]
Winner – Franny McGrath, Perth & Kinross YMCA Silver – Alasdair Head, Universal Connections Bronze – Rosalind Ramage, East Glasgow Primary Health Diary Project
Everything you need to know about Rosalind Ramage Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Youth Services, John Lancaster, Community Land, Youth Worker
Rosalind Ramage has not published any more information
The 2009 committee: Chris Mitchell, Ewan Campbell, Richard Brewster, John Lancaster, Julie Farr, Rosalind Ramage and Elspeth Killin