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Phil Pask MSc, BA, MSCP . England Rugby Team, British & Irish Lions Senior Physiotherapist. Phil graduated from the Queen Elizabeth School of Physiotherapy at Birmingham University.
Everything you need to know about Phil Pask Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Tickets, Injury, Car Crash, Coach, Ian McGeechan, Team Manager
Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Phil Pask, World Cup Winning Physiotherapist, OSL Group Limited at ...
Phil Pask MSc, BA, MSCP Phil graduated from the Queen Elizabeth School of Physiotherapy at Birmingham University. He has had a keen interest in health related fitness since ...
Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Phil Pask, Physiotherapist, British Lions Ltd at, the most ...
Everything you need to know about Phil Pask Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Tickets, Injury, Car Crash, Coach, Ian McGeechan, Team Manager
Phil Pask MSc, BA, MSCP . England Rugby Team, British & Irish Lions Senior Physiotherapist. Phil graduated from the Queen Elizabeth School of Physiotherapy at Birmingham ...
Alumnus on tour with the Lions. A former UBSport Rugby Club member is currently on tour with the Lions in South Africa. Phil Pask, who graduated from The University of ...