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Nina Shlykova from London says. The cheapest available flights were with EasyJet but they refused to take my wheelchair as it is heavier than their 60kg limit.
The charity enlisted wheelchair user Nina Shlykova who attempted a daily commute on board the number 29 bus from Holloway Road to Gower Street.
However this revised policy is likely to be impractical for most users of powered wheelchairs as Trailblazer Nina Shlykova who was recently told she could not take her 70kg ...
Nina Shlykova from London. In my case they only need to know that I use a powered wheelchair, that I am independent and have previous successful working history.
However, Trailblazer member Nina Shlykova said: "It should be pointed out to easyJet that modern powered wheelchairs are complicated mechanisms."
The charity enlisted wheelchair user Nina Shlykova who attempted a daily commute on board the number 29 bus from Holloway Road to Gower Street.
However this revised policy is likely to be impractical for most users of powered wheelchairs as Trailblazer Nina Shlykova who was recently told she could not take her ...
However, Trailblazer member Nina Shlykova said: "It should be pointed out to easyJet that modern powered wheelchairs are complicated mechanisms."