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Councillor interests page ... Non Councillor Member Nigel Rumble's Interests (a) I am a member or in a position of general control or management of the following body/ies to which I ...
• Speaking of Nic's switching sides, he must have had a lot to talk about at the bar with Nigel Rumble, the former Lib Dem from Belsize who also recently swept over to the blue side.
The councillors' weekly trade magazine First has an article for Valentine's Day about councillors who are married to each other. It seems there are far more than you might imagine.
... 10 June 7-9pm Swiss Cottage Community Centre Parents, residents Linda Grove, Liz Taylor, Shiry Nebe, Claire Coulthard, Leila Roy, Rosa Touat, Olga Calavia, Emily Loh, Nigel Rumble ...
... Jonny Bucknell Eugenio Monge Liz Taylor Linda Grove Harriet Nowell-Smith Rosa Touat Arjun Kapur Malcolm Galloway Alexis Rowell, councillor Mark Spurlock Christina von Borcke Nigel Rumble Don ...
Nigel Rumble: Conservative: 1897. 11.53. Luca Salice: Labour: 1027. 11.10. Tom Simon: Liberal Democrats: 1949. 11.84. Anne Ward: Liberal Democrats: 1746. 10.61. Turnout: 62.30%
Nigel Rumble (Con) Parents (7) Adelina Badivuku. Cecile De Toro Arias. Ketron Miller. Sarah Green . James Connell. Tania Wilkinson . Alun Rhydderch
Nigel Rumble [email protected] [18 JAN 04] FINHAM PARK SCHOOL : My name is David Vincent. I went to Finham Park School in Coventry and now live in USA.