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Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Michael Moggeridge, Contracts Manager, Magpie Environmental Drilling ...
The PPP Journal Issue 62 - Michael Moggeridge, Contracts Manager of Magpie Environmental Drilling Services, outlines how a skilled drilling contractor can help companies make the ...
Main contributors: Michael Moggeridge (Contracts Manager, Magpie Drilling), Stephen Newman (Technical Director, Mitie Energy) This clip is taken from ' Ground source energy using ...
quality in the ground quality in the ground the importance of good ground design the importance of good ground design and installation and installation michael moggeridge contracts manager
Michael Moggeridge, Contracts Manager of Magpie Environmental Drilling Services, outlines how a skilled drilling contractor can help companies make the most of the geothermal ...
Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Michael Moggeridge, Contracts Manager, Magpie Environmental ...
Quality in the Ground: The importance of good ground design and installation - Michael Moggeridge, Contract Manager, Magpie Environmental Drilling Services Ltd
Michael Moggeridge B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc: Position: Contracts Manager: Drilling Industry: Since 1994: Experience: Environmental Consultancy, Germany 1994-95