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Not enough customers have reviewed this property for us to provide a fair rating ... 100% 09 December 2009: Inna Savitskaya
Inna Savitskaya, Portrait Artist, Newcastle upon Tyne 1 - 4 hour portrait drawing (1 to 4) sessions Gift certificate | Making a portrait | Contact: email
Making a portrait
You may not know it but you will eventually. Big media ... y Inna Savitskaya, 12 June 2006
Two Sheds, Thought you might like to see the person who did the design work on the African hut. Inna Savitskaya Oliver
Inna Savitskaya, Portrait Artist, Newcastle upon Tyne 1 - 4 hour portrait drawing (1 to 4) sessions Gift certificate | Making a portrait | Contact: email
Not enough customers have reviewed this property for us to provide a fair ... 100% 09 December 2009: Inna Savitskaya
Making a portrait