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Graduated from KRSU, Kyrgyzstan in 2008. Currently interested in formal modelling of fault tolerance for improving the resilience of critical systems.
Everything you need to know about Ilya Lopatkin Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Trunk, Def, Rescue clause, Refinement, Romanovsky, Resilience
On FaultTolerance Reuse during Refinement Ilya Lopatkin, Alexei Iliasov, Alexander Romanovsky {ilya.lopatkin, alexei.iliasov, alexander.romanovsky} Newcastle University, CSR ...
Dr. Jeremy Bryans, Research Associate; Dr. Alex Iliasov, Research Associate; Dr. Manuel Mazzara, Research Associate; Miss Zoe Andrews, PhD Student; Mr. Ilya Lopatkin, PhD Student
Ilya Lopatkin; Matthew Lovert; John Nicholson; Andrius Velykis; Su-Yang Yu; Nur Haryani Zakaria; Visiting Personnel. Philip Butler; Chris Dale; Michael Jackson
Graduated from KRSU, Kyrgyzstan in 2008. Currently interested in formal modelling of fault tolerance for improving the resilience of critical systems.
Everything you need to know about Ilya Lopatkin Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Trunk, Def, Rescue clause, Refinement, Romanovsky, Resilience
On FaultTolerance Reuse during Refinement Ilya Lopatkin, Alexei Iliasov, Alexander Romanovsky {ilya.lopatkin, alexei.iliasov, alexander.romanovsky} Newcastle ...