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Akanova, Dana; Akanowicz, Robert; Akanowicz, Ron; Akanowicz, Ron; Akanpaaba, Patrick; Akans, Bobbi; Akans, Cindy; Akans, Daniel; Akans, David; Akans, George; Akans, James
Kazakh Language and the New Language Policy in the 1990s / Prof. Dr. Elenora Suleimenova - Dana K. Akanova [p.182-189] The Character of Kazakh Nomadic Culture / Prof. Dr. Aigül ...
Kazak Dili ve 1990'lardaki Yeni Dil Politikası / Prof. Dr. Eleonora Süleimenova - Doç. Dr. Dana K. Akanova [p.408-414] Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nin Dil Siyasetine Sosyo-Lengüistik ...
Akanova, Dana; Akanowicz, Robert; Akanowicz, Ron; Akanowicz, Ron; Akanpaaba, Patrick; Akans, Bobbi; Akans, Cindy; Akans, Daniel; Akans, David; Akans, George; Akans, James
Kazakh Language and the New Language Policy in the 1990s / Prof. Dr. Elenora Suleimenova - Dana K. Akanova [p.182-189] The Character of Kazakh Nomadic Culture / Prof. Dr ...