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Sandy Duff

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Social Media with Sandy Duff


Sandy Duff
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Cross Arts Manager and Foundation Learning Strand Leader at The Sage Gateshead
The Sage Gateshead (Non-Profit; Music industry): Cross Arts Manager and Foundation Learning Strand Leader,  (November 2005-Present) I joined the CoMusica team at The Sage Gateshead in 2005 as the project leader for the Gateshead area of their regional work. I quickly began introd...
Sandy Duff
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Cross Arts Manager and Foundation Learning Strand Leader at The Sage Gateshead
The Sage Gateshead (Non-Profit; Music industry): Cross Arts Manager and Foundation Learning Strand Leader,  (November 2005-Present) I joined the CoMusica team at The Sage Gateshead in 2005 as the project leader for the Gateshead area of their regional work. I quickly began introd...