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Phil Riddles

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Social Media with Phil Riddles


Phil Riddles
London, United Kingdom
Mobile Ads BizDev & Sales
About me:
Hello, Although I have messaging, Electronic Security, Outsourcing and FMC (Fixed & Mobile convergence) in my past, I am looking to meet people in the Mobile Ads or Mobile DM industry. You will typically either work for an MNO (Vodafone/"3"/O2/T-Mobile/OrangeUK or VirginMobile) or a digital Agency, focused on mobile or a Full service Agency. I have (We Alcatel-Lucent) have some exc...


Phil Riddles
Slough, United Kingdom
UK Value Sales Propositions at Sicap AG
Sicap AG (Privately Held; Telecommunications industry): UK Value Sales Propositions - Sales Manager,  (March 2010-Present) Sicap, a Swisscom Company. Identify MNO generic industry challenges, and identify Sicap & Swisscom solutions that can be used in the UK & Ireland to ...