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Karim Saykali

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Social Media with Karim Saykali


Karim Saykali
Slough, United Kingdom
Managing Director at We Brand It
We Brand It (Privately Held; Marketing and Advertising industry): Managing Director,  (February 2004-Present) Over the last 7 years with the help of a great team of people around me We Brand It (Buyking Ltd) has grown into one of the leading Branded Merchandise Specialist compani...
Karim Saykali
Slough, United Kingdom
Manager Director, We Brand It, top 2% Distributor, currently searching for Sales Manager
We Brand It (Privately Held; Marketing and Advertising industry): Managing Director,  (February 2004-Present) Over the last 6 years with the help of a great team of people around me We Brand It (Buyking Ltd) has grown into one of the leading Branded Merchandise Specialist compani...